Winter Park Drive

Job #:  566

Project Name:  Winter Park Drive North Realignment

Owner: City of Casselberry

Final Contract:  $5,661,289

Scope of Work:  Construct approx. 1.5 miles of two lane roadway through an undeveloped ROW along with supporting drainage & utility infrastructure. Work included excavation, embankment, stabilization, base, asphalt, reinforcing steel, lift station, mast arm assembly, signalization, MOT, irrigation. Drainage system included approx. 11,250 lf RCP 24″-42″, 32 inlets and 28 manholes; utilities included approx 2,361 lf 8″ potable water main with 14 service connections, approx 2,334 lf 8″ reclaimed water main with 12 service connections and approx 4,487 lf of 6″-10″ PVC sanitary sewer with 17 manholes and 25 service connections.

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PRIME performs heavy construction for municipal projects in the areas of roads, underground utilities and water/wastewater treatment plants.

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